Single-atom sheet of carbon clears arsenic from water

We can get a hint of the power coming from longer-term nanotech by seeing what is being discovered today on how to use some of the new materials becoming available.  Many of us have been intrigued with graphene, a one-atom-thick planar sheet of bonded carbon atoms.  It’s no surprise that exciting applications are being found… Continue reading Single-atom sheet of carbon clears arsenic from water

Update e-newsletter: an easy way to monitor Nanodot posts

If you’re having trouble remembering to stop by Nanodot (this blog), and also having trouble keeping up with your RSS feeds (as I am), there’s an easier way to keep up with Nanodot news, albeit a bit delayed. Once a month we compile all the most recent Nanodot posts — plus other news such as… Continue reading Update e-newsletter: an easy way to monitor Nanodot posts

Willow Garage reaches robotic milestone involving beer (video)

Finishing off the week on a fun note, we see that robotic firm Willow Garage — of special interest to Foresight due to their emphasis on open source — has achieved an important milestone in robotics: namely, the ability for a robot to fetch a beer from the fridge and deliver it. It’s worth seeing… Continue reading Willow Garage reaches robotic milestone involving beer (video)

Nominations now open for 2010 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology

The nomination/submission process for the 2010 Foresight Institute Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology is now open.  Two $5000 prizes are offered, one for theory and one for experimental achievement.  These prizes recognize progress toward the goal of atomic-level control in the construction of macroscale 3D objects: an ambitious goal but one toward which physicist Richard Feynman… Continue reading Nominations now open for 2010 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology

Singapore pursues Atom Technology & atomically precise manufacturing

Nanotechnology Now brings news of a recent Atom Technology workshop in Singapore featuring dual Foresight Institute Feynman Prize winner Christian Joachim, Feynman Prize founder Jim Von Ehr of Zyvex Labs and Zyvex Asia, and Foresight Roadmap participant Damian Allis of Syracuse University: Atom Technology is IMRE’s flagship program led by well known scientist Prof. Christian… Continue reading Singapore pursues Atom Technology & atomically precise manufacturing

Investing in pre-IPO nanotech firms gets harder

Small investors who want to invest in nanotech startups have for years turned to publicly-held venture group Harris & Harris Group, which has focused on private companies in nanotech and microsystems. With the economy down, and initial public offerings (IPOs) more rare, this strategy is changing.  Brian Gormley of the Wall Street Journal’s Venture Capital… Continue reading Investing in pre-IPO nanotech firms gets harder

Today's nanotech lets $400 camera see cancer cells

Frequent Nanodot readers know that our main interest is longer-term nanotech, but sometimes what’s happening today gets pretty exciting as well.  A quick summary  of recent advances in nanotech used to fight cancer appears in a Computerworld piece by Sharon Gaudin; some excerpts: Rice University said yesterday that when the nanoparticles deliver dye to the cell,… Continue reading Today's nanotech lets $400 camera see cancer cells

Finally: all nanotech degree programs listed on one site

For years we’ve watched academic degree programs in nanotechnology being announced piecemeal, or in partial lists.  Now it looks like Nanowerk has stepped up to the task of keeping a complete list, sorted by level of degree and country.  See it here: A handy chart allows users to click through to see all the… Continue reading Finally: all nanotech degree programs listed on one site

Top-down nanotech marching downwards (in a good way)

Nanowerk brings us news of advances at Singapore’s Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology: Researchers at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) in Singapore have now successfully demonstrated, for the first time, a lithography-free, direct-write technique for fabricating discrete field-effect transistors, as well as digital logic gates on a single nanowire… “Our single-step fabrication technique obviates… Continue reading Top-down nanotech marching downwards (in a good way)

Webcast and comment online to President's Council on nanotech

Tihamer Toth-Fejel let us know that the public can comment online today, right now, our views on nanotech: President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) President’s Innovation and Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) Golden Triangle1 Workshop 1 Golden Triangle: Research Encompassing Information Technology — Biotechnology — Nanotechnology. June 22, 2010 Webcast at: Goal… Continue reading Webcast and comment online to President's Council on nanotech

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