Russia's nanotechnology "Manhattan Project" gets slow start

From The Economist, a look at Russia’s technology, including nanotech: After years of high oil prices, money is again no object: in 2007 Russia put 130 billion roubles ($5.5 billion) into a state corporation for nanotechnologies that is being likened to the Manhattan Project… But the big problem for high technology in Russia is neither… Continue reading Russia's nanotechnology "Manhattan Project" gets slow start

National Citizen's Technology Forum held on nanotechnology

A while back Senior Associate Stuart Scott let us know that he had been selected to participate in a National Citizen’s Technology Forum process on nanotechnology, sponsored by Arizona State and University of North Carolina, among other schools. Presumably this is funded by the social science budget of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative, via NSF.… Continue reading National Citizen's Technology Forum held on nanotechnology

Amazing advance in robotics: see video

Normally this blog focuses on nanotechnology, but it’s also important to stay on top of major advances in related fields such as robotics; the fields will interact in interesting ways. This video of a DARPA-funded project from Boston Dynamics is a must-see: Watch the whole thing, and use the YouTube version; the one on… Continue reading Amazing advance in robotics: see video

1st major nanotechnology TV series sounds rather negative

Here at Foresight we try to present a balanced view of nanotechnology, discussing prospective benefits while also acknowledging potential problems. It would be good if the “first major television series to look at the implications of advances in nanotechnology” did the same. But see the description of the upcoming public television series: Nanotechnology: The Power… Continue reading 1st major nanotechnology TV series sounds rather negative

Saudis to permit co-ed nanotechnology

We’ve been critical in the past of Saudi Arabia’s policy of having women researchers in nanotechnology (and of course other fields as well) work separately from male researchers. Now King Abdullah has moved personally to fund, at the US$10 billion level, a new graduate-level university with a new policy toward women, to be advised by… Continue reading Saudis to permit co-ed nanotechnology

European Commission adopts Code of Conduct for Responsible Nanotechnology

After several months of public consultation, the European Commission has announced a Code of Conduct for Responsible Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Research.

Korea sets ambitious nanotechnology goals for 2020 informs us of challenging nanotechnology goals for that country: An ambitious government plan seeks to make Korea one of the top three countries for nanotechnology by 2020… “By securing more than 50 of the finest international nanotechnologies by 2020, Korea will create a new industry to emerge as a top three nanotechnology power and… Continue reading Korea sets ambitious nanotechnology goals for 2020

Nanotechnology-based surveillance predicted

For many years, Foresight has been pointing out that nanotechnology will be used for surveillance. Now Kevin Mitnick makes a long-term prediction on nanosurveillance. An excerpt: Warrantless Surveillance: The Worst is Yet to Come …Far from censuring the president, most of Congress seems completely unconcerned by the issue of warrantless surveillance. And telecom companies are… Continue reading Nanotechnology-based surveillance predicted

Industry, NGOs call for nanotechnology environmental plan

Regular Nanodot readers know that we at Foresight focus more on longer-term nanotechnology, especially atomically-precise manufacturing. Yet, we joined with other nonprofits and industry to call for a better plan to address near-term nanomaterial environmental, health, and safety issues. From today’s joint press release by Environmental Defense and Dupont: (Washington, DC – January 16, 2008)… Continue reading Industry, NGOs call for nanotechnology environmental plan

New strategic plan for U.S. Nanotechnology Initiative

On January 2 a press release was issued announcing an updated Strategic Plan (PDF) for the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative. For those of us interested in molecular nanosystems and atomically-precise manufacturing, it’s disappointing. I haven’t read the whole thing, but this is the closest wording I could find on a quick skim: A key challenge… Continue reading New strategic plan for U.S. Nanotechnology Initiative

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