Reserve now for Summit with Drexler, Kurzweil, Hofstadter, Thiel, Jurvetson, etc. & moi

Reservations are now open for the Singularity Summit at Stanford, and based on the booking numbers I’ve just heard, we should expect the event to fill early. If you want to attend, it would be wise to reserve your seat right now. Eric Drexler will speak on productive nanosystems, Ray Kurzweil on how fast change… Continue reading Reserve now for Summit with Drexler, Kurzweil, Hofstadter, Thiel, Jurvetson, etc. & moi

Join Mike Roco and me in DC on April 28

On April 28, the Center on Nanotechnology and Society at Illinois Institute of Technology ā€” which has a great nanomachine by Damian Allis featured on its home page currently ā€” will sponsor a one-day event titled NanoWorld: Toward a Policy for the Human Future at the National Press Club. The keynote is by Mihail Roco… Continue reading Join Mike Roco and me in DC on April 28

Goal of nanotech: atomically precise manufacturing gives an overview of speakers on atomically precise fabrication at the Photonics West conference. An excerpt: “Mark Lurie and Eric Drexler of the Foresight Nanotechnology Institute, a nanotechnology think tank and public interest organization, and Tom Hausken of Strategies Unlimited, a technology-focused market research and strategic planning company, appeared before a packed auditorium at… Continue reading Goal of nanotech: atomically precise manufacturing

Nanomanufacturing VIPs to present on March 29-30

Los Angeles will be the place to be March 29-30 when the Society of Manufacturing Engineers holds its Nanomanufacturing Conference. Keynoting will be Eric Drexler on “Engineering from the Bottom Up – Productive Nanosystems and the Future of Technology”. Also not to be missed: Foresight director Jim Von Ehr of Zyvex on “Assembly Pathway to… Continue reading Nanomanufacturing VIPs to present on March 29-30

Investor's Business Daily quotes from Foresight Conference

J. Bonasia of Investor’s Business Daily gives a variety of nanotech perspectives from the Foresight Conference: “For now, green advocates appear to be cautiously optimistic about the technology. Many see it as a way to cut pollution and relieve human suffering. But they want to carefully assess nanotechnology as it evolves. ‘Nanotech is not understood… Continue reading Investor's Business Daily quotes from Foresight Conference

Debate update — Nanotechnology: Radical new science or plus ca change

You may recall this nanotech debate held at University of Nottingham. Organizer Philip Moriarty reports that “The debate video footage is currently being put together by the team from Sheffield who filmed the event. As soon as the video stream is available, I’ll let you know. Moreover, the debate will be transcribed for a journal… Continue reading Debate update — Nanotechnology: Radical new science or plus ca change

Sept 1: Last day to save $100 on Foresight Nanotech Conference

Early registration ends tomorrow, Sept 1, for the Foresight Conference and/or Vision Weekend. We have been asked whether those affected by Hurricane Katrina can get an extension: Yes, of course. We’ve received some registrations covering all five-and-a-half days of this segmented meeting covering Applications, Policy, Research, and Vision. These hearty conference-goers will receive an endurance… Continue reading Sept 1: Last day to save $100 on Foresight Nanotech Conference

Deadline Thursday to save on Foresight Conference

We try not to let Foresight’s activities dominate this blog, but for those of you considering attending the 13th Foresight Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology, Oct. 22-27: the deadline is this coming Thursday, Sept. 1, to take advantage of the early registration fee discount. See the speakers, the program, the Research page, and the list of… Continue reading Deadline Thursday to save on Foresight Conference

First large-scale participatory event on nanotechnology

UT Austin’s STS Program is sponsoring a Civic Forum on the Societal Implications of Nanotechnology: “This participatory civic event, the first large-scale nanotechnology event of its kind in the world, is designed to set standards for effective stakeholder engagement of nanotechnology’s societal opportunities and challenges.” The program includes 90 minutes of “Civic Participation in Nano… Continue reading First large-scale participatory event on nanotechnology

Nanofactories, molecular nanotechnology to be debated in UK

The Institute of Nanotechnology is sponsoring a nanotech debate at the Surface Science Summer School in the UK. Organized by Philip Moriarty of Univ. of Nottingham, topics to be debated include: Are nanofactories capable of manufacturing virtually anything with little or no environmental impact really just a few decades away, as some groups are claiming?… Continue reading Nanofactories, molecular nanotechnology to be debated in UK

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