Most longed-for nanotechnology: nanomedicine

As a veteran nanowatcher, I can testify that what most people want most from nanotechnology is dramatic medical advances, such as the cancer treatments now showing so much promise. Science magazine periodically includes a “product” section reviewing what’s happening in a particular field of interest. Nanobiotechnology: an Incredible Voyage for the Life Sciences by Mike… Continue reading Most longed-for nanotechnology: nanomedicine

Nanotechnology regulations at city level: Unhelpful

Red Herring reports that the city of Berkeley, California, has voted to approve its own nanoparticle regulations: On Tuesday night the Berkeley, California City Council passed an ordinance to regulate the use of manufactured nanoparticles, tiny subatomic [sic] materials that can be 100,000 times smaller than the width of human hair… Now the city will… Continue reading Nanotechnology regulations at city level: Unhelpful

Nanotechnology robotic arm built at NYU

NYU prof Nadrian Seeman, who won the Foresight Institute Feynman Prize back in 1995, has done it again. From Science Daily: New York University chemistry professor Nadrian C. Seeman and his graduate student Baoquan Ding have developed a DNA cassette through which a nanomechanical device can be inserted and function within a DNA array, allowing… Continue reading Nanotechnology robotic arm built at NYU

Rising nanotechnology star: Berkeley's Matthew Francis

At every meeting of the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems, we find at least one new rising star in nanotechnology. At the recent meeting held at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, it was Prof. Matthew Francis of UC Berkeley. Access to these folks is one of the main attractions for organizations participating in the Roadmap process.… Continue reading Rising nanotechnology star: Berkeley's Matthew Francis

Nanotechnology for cognitive enhancement: okay or not

Cognitive enhancement technologies already exist — if you drink coffee, you’re a user — so it seems likely that nanotechnology will eventually be used for this purpose. A new report (pdf) from the Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes at ASU summarizes the results of a workshop on this topic held with Sandia. They identified… Continue reading Nanotechnology for cognitive enhancement: okay or not

New nanotechnology movie shows nanocar propulsion

The Future of Things, an online magazine based in Israel, has a nanotechnology article/interview with the clearest explanation I’ve seen of the two generations of nanocars built at Rice University. We’ve discussed this before, but a more comprehensible exposition is always welcome. See especially the Flash movie of how the latest nanocar moves. Some excerpts:… Continue reading New nanotechnology movie shows nanocar propulsion

How a molecular nanotechnology bearing will actually move

Will Ware, whom you may remember from NanoCAD, has done the most accurate simulation and animation of a molecular bearing design to date. He explains: Using NanoEngineer-1 (see and other open-source software, I have created an animated simulation of the molecular bearing design on page 298 of Nanosystems by Eric Drexler. I worked with… Continue reading How a molecular nanotechnology bearing will actually move

Nanotechnology scenarios from Europe's Nanologue

Funded by the European Commission, the Nanologue project has released its report titled The future of nanotechnology: We need to talk. It presents three scenarios: Scenario 1: Disaster recovery A lack of regulation resulted in a major accident. Public concern about nanotechnology is high and technology development is slow and cautious. Scenario 2: Now we’re… Continue reading Nanotechnology scenarios from Europe's Nanologue

Saudi Arabia to fund separate women's nanotechnology

Arab News reports that Saudi Arabia is building separate nanotechnology R&D facilities for women to use: As part of the government’s drive to empower women, a scientific research center will be established in Riyadh with modern facilities for nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technology… “The center will focus on advanced technologies and activities that are suitable… Continue reading Saudi Arabia to fund separate women's nanotechnology

Facing up to military nanotechnology

A new book by German physicist Jürgen Altmann of Dortmund University looks at Military Nanotechnology: Potential Applications and Preventive Arms Control (Routledge, 2006). Both near-term and long-term applications are examined. From the abstract: NT applications will likely pervade all areas of the military…By using NT to miniaturise sensors, actuators and propulsion, autonomous systems (robots) could… Continue reading Facing up to military nanotechnology

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