NanoGermany and NanoIreland

First after lunch was Volker Rieke from Germany, who explained that Germany is #2 (after US) in nanotech publications, and directed us to the Nano-map to find out what is happening in German nanotech. Now speaking is Helena Acheson, Head of Division, Science, Technology & Innovation Policy and Awareness Division, Forfás, a think tank for… Continue reading NanoGermany and NanoIreland

Risk assessment for nanomaterials

Now we have Jo Anne Shatkin of Cadmus Group on assessing risks of nanoscale materials. She described the process she uses, making the point that hazards are different from risks—no material is completely safe, and there is no risk if there is no exposure. Risk = hazard x exposure probability. Risk assessment is for making… Continue reading Risk assessment for nanomaterials

Environmental benefits of nanotech

Next up: Shannon Lloyd of First Environment on the potential environmental benefits of nanotech. She uses a life cycle assessment process to evaluate potential nanotech products. She emphasized that there are always tradeoffs in making these assessments and decisions. Costs are included. So far they’ve looked at nanotech for auto body panels and automotive catalysts… Continue reading Environmental benefits of nanotech

Tom Kalil on nanotech for developing countries

Tom Kalil, now of UC Berkeley but formerly heavily involved in designing the NNI while he was with the Clinton White House, explained that issues such as nanotech for clean water in developing nations do not have a natural patron among US government agencies. He urged organizations such as Foresight and foundations to continue and… Continue reading Tom Kalil on nanotech for developing countries

George Atkinson, Sci/Tech Advisor to US Secretary of State

Dr. Atkinson first emphasized that these remarks are personal, not official State Dept views. An early point: Global leadership in science and technology is transitory — the younger people he works with sometimes don’t realize this. He’s explaining how the US finds out what’s happening in S&T overseas: Global Dialogues on Emerging Science and Technology,… Continue reading George Atkinson, Sci/Tech Advisor to US Secretary of State

Next up: Carl Kohrt, CEO Battelle

Keynote for today is Carl Kohrt, CEO of Battelle, the giant research organization that runs three US national labs. He is describing their alliance with Foresight on the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems, their own (large) Battelle Nanotechnology Innovation Network, how these relate to the Foresight Challenges, and his projections for what’s coming in the… Continue reading Next up: Carl Kohrt, CEO Battelle

Liveblogging the Foresight Conference

Today’s first talk is by Richard Smith of Nanotechnology Network on policy issuses. It’s a great overview of the issues, from where government money goes, to public perception and regulatory concerns, to how to cross the “Valley of Death” — the gap between research and a fundable business plan. He pointed out that most government… Continue reading Liveblogging the Foresight Conference

Liveblogging the Foresight Vision Weekend

The Foresight Vision Weekend is off-the-record, so I’m not able to do real liveblogging. At the moment, we’re listening to Patrick Hopkins speak on “Who Will Hate Nanotechnology and Why?” There have been many great talks, but I’ll select just one as an example. Yesterday we heard from Peter Diamandis, Chairman of the X Prize… Continue reading Liveblogging the Foresight Vision Weekend

Nanosoldier of the future

In an article in Salon titled “The (really scary) soldier of the future — Thanks to nanotechnology, he’ll be a lethal superman who can heal himself“, Alan Goldstein writes: “Based simply on the projects posted for public consumption, the ISN [Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies] is busy creating a soldier of the future who will be… Continue reading Nanosoldier of the future

Environmental Defense press conference, Foresight response

In today’s San Francisco Chronicle, Keay Davidson describes an Environmental Defense press conference calling for more testing of nanomaterials, and Foresight’s response: “Despite their cautionary tone, the Environmental Defense speakers’ remarks were welcomed Wednesday by Christine Peterson, vice president of public policy at the best-known institutional defender of nanotechnology, the Foresight Nanotech Institute in Palo… Continue reading Environmental Defense press conference, Foresight response

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