David Brin on nanotechnology ethics

Over at the CRN website they have a guest post by author David Brin on nanotechnology ethics: What I find relentlessly tedious (and, alas, ubiquitous) is the tendency to assume that the objective is actually to see ahead. It is not. The objective is to do what Einstein called gedankenexperimentation: pondering the range of possibilities… Continue reading David Brin on nanotechnology ethics

Artist takes on nanotechnology and privacy

Like me, perhaps you normally prefer more traditional art: oil paintings, perhaps. But new art can have an important societal purpose beyond its aesthetic value, and artist Nina Waisman has taken on a key nanotech issue to raise in her work: the relation between nanotechnology, sensing, and privacy. From SignOnSanDiego: If airport security were run… Continue reading Artist takes on nanotechnology and privacy

Heritage Foundation: Conservative on nanotechnology too

The Heritage Foundation portrays itself as a conservative think tank, and by gosh, they are! Specifically, they are conservative on the longer term prospects for nanotechnology: In the more distant future, combining nanocomputers, sensors, and nanomechanical architectures into one system would make possible autonomously targeted and guided projectiles, such as bullets and rockets. Nanotechnology could… Continue reading Heritage Foundation: Conservative on nanotechnology too

The next national nanotechnology program

Alan Shalleck of NanoClarity writes over at Nanotechnology Now on how the U.S. should go about planning its future federal funding of nanotech. Excerpts: It is time to explore what the next three to five year national nanotechnology funding allocation will look like. We have already benefited from two multiple-year, multibillion-dollar Presidentially-endorsed Federal programs and… Continue reading The next national nanotechnology program

Nanotechnology: Enhancement goals for human body

Forbes.com did a poll to find out what human body enhancements their readers would most like. The poll seems to be gone, but nanotechnology commentator Gregor Wolbring quotes it in his own column: Smarter brain (403 votes – 29 %) Wings (230 votes – 17 %) Breathe underwater (147 votes – 11 %) Stylish, furry… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Enhancement goals for human body

The future of manufacturing: Nanotechnology

Babak Parviz of University of Washington, named by Technology Review as one of this year’s outstanding innovators under the age of 35, writes in the Sept/Oct issue (free reg req’d) about self-assembly: In nature, components “self-assemble” to yield complex functional systems. Inspired in part by this observation, a number of research groups are working to… Continue reading The future of manufacturing: Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology to reduce worldwide transport?

Science Daily brings news of the future of transportation as nanotechnology changes how we make our products, described in the book Transport Communications. An excerpt from Science Daily: By introducing nanotechnology, the authors suggest, goods could be produced and distributed locally, limiting the amount of worldwide transport that takes place annually. Whether discussing virtual reality-based… Continue reading Nanotechnology to reduce worldwide transport?

Jurvetson podcast on nanotechnology, AI

One person whose views on nanotechnology are always worth hearing is VC Steve Jurvetson of Draper Fisher Jurvetson. He’ll be speaking at the upcoming Singularity Summit, Sept. 8-9 in San Francisco, but if you can’t get there, you can listen to this ZDNet podcast with Dan Farber in which Steve discusses both nanotech and AI:… Continue reading Jurvetson podcast on nanotechnology, AI

Nanotechnology ethics book is surprisingly fun

“Fun” is not the first word that comes to mind when the topic of ethics comes up, but the new book Nanoethics: the Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology manages to include a surprising amount of it. Topics include the end of biological aging, body enhancement, privacy, military use, exponential manufacturing, space development, AI, and… Continue reading Nanotechnology ethics book is surprisingly fun

New ACS Nanotechnology journal free for 2007

There seem to already be an awful lot of nanotechnology and nanoscience journals out there, but ACS feels there’s room for another: ACS Nano. Editor Paul Weiss — who does “molecular motor-driven assembly“, which sounds fascinating — explains: One of the great traditions of the chemical sciences is that one’s work can be reproduced anywhere… Continue reading New ACS Nanotechnology journal free for 2007

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