Bioethics declaration may affect Nanoethics

Not everyone is a big fan of the United Nations or UNESCO, but the wording of their declarations has impact, and we can expect this year’s bioethics declaration (PDF format) to have an effect on later nanoethics documents. Here’s a clause that may come into play on the question of human enhancement: “The autonomy of… Continue reading Bioethics declaration may affect Nanoethics

Nanodynamics joins call for 10% nano funds for safety

Joining DuPont and Environmental Defense, followed by Foresight, Nanodynamics CEO Keith Blakely has issued a call in recent Congressional testimony for 10% of federal nano spending to go toward safety studies: “The federal government, as the largest single investor in nanotechnology research, must take the lead in identifying the appropriate gaps in EHS information and… Continue reading Nanodynamics joins call for 10% nano funds for safety

Claim: Public nano views based on heuristics, not tech literacy

UW Madison prof Dietram Scheufele writes about his research in Smalltimes: “In work forthcoming in the Journal of Nanoparticle Research and Science Communication my colleagues and I explored many of these shortcuts in greater detail. I want to highlight one here that illustrates the competing influences of information and heuristics. We conducted a national phone… Continue reading Claim: Public nano views based on heuristics, not tech literacy

Webcast this Thursday on Environmental/Safety impacts

There will be a webcast of the U.S. House Science Committee hearing on “Environmental and Safety Impacts of Nanotechnology: What Research is Needed?” to be held at 10 AM to noon Eastern time. Witnesses testifying: Dr. Clayton Teague, Director, National Nanotechnology Coordination Office Dr. Richard Denison, Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense Dr. Krishna C. Doraiswamy, Research… Continue reading Webcast this Thursday on Environmental/Safety impacts

IP may be overvalued as nanotech success indicator

From Lawrence Gasman over at NanoMarkets, a thought piece on nanotech intellectual property. An excerpt: “Contrary to the beliefs of many, the pure IP model may ultimately prove hard to defend in the nanotechnology business. Nanotechnology provides a very wide range of materials and manufacturing platforms. This in turn, suggests that performance goals for nanoproducts… Continue reading IP may be overvalued as nanotech success indicator

New Nanotech Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers! Glenn is on our board. Sign up at upper right to get ongoing nano news from us. Keeping scrolling below to see much liveblogging from the nano conference last week.—Christine We at Foresight are often get inquiries from those who wish to invest in nanotechnology stocks and want advice. Unfortunately, we… Continue reading New Nanotech Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

Nanosoldier of the future

In an article in Salon titled “The (really scary) soldier of the future — Thanks to nanotechnology, he’ll be a lethal superman who can heal himself“, Alan Goldstein writes: “Based simply on the projects posted for public consumption, the ISN [Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies] is busy creating a soldier of the future who will be… Continue reading Nanosoldier of the future

Environmental Defense press conference, Foresight response

In today’s San Francisco Chronicle, Keay Davidson describes an Environmental Defense press conference calling for more testing of nanomaterials, and Foresight’s response: “Despite their cautionary tone, the Environmental Defense speakers’ remarks were welcomed Wednesday by Christine Peterson, vice president of public policy at the best-known institutional defender of nanotechnology, the Foresight Nanotech Institute in Palo… Continue reading Environmental Defense press conference, Foresight response

Kurzweil & Joy protest risky (natural) nanomachine recipe publication

In an Oct 17 New York Times op-ed, Ray Kurzweil and Bill Joy combine forces to question the recent publication of the genome for the dangerous 1918 flu virus: “We urgently need international agreements by scientific organizations to limit such publications and an international dialogue on the best approach to preventing recipes for weapons of… Continue reading Kurzweil & Joy protest risky (natural) nanomachine recipe publication

EU-funded Nanologue project has been busy

The Nanologue project looking at societal aspects of nanotech has been very busy since its launch last spring. See their Mapping Study (and Appendix) and Background Paper (and Appendix), also their presentation at EuroNanoForum. An excerpt from the Mapping Study appendix summary of a RAND report: “Molecular manufacturing and Nanobots: no breakthrough until 2015 but… Continue reading EU-funded Nanologue project has been busy

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