Vision Weekend Unconference now open to Nanodot readers

This year as an experiment we are opening up a subset of seats at the Nov. 3-4 Foresight Vision Weekend to members of special groups such as Nanodot readers. The event is usually open only to Foresight Senior Associate members: I encourage you to check out this event. Since it is an Unconference, you… Continue reading Vision Weekend Unconference now open to Nanodot readers

Check out MIT nanotechnology videos

Some MIT nanotechnology activities are targeted at alumni, but you may be able to get in the door at a higher price: It’s a Small World November 15, 2007 MIT Alumni Association, in conjunction with regional Clubs, is planning two webcasts and receptions for alumni in Cambridge and around the world for the upcoming year.… Continue reading Check out MIT nanotechnology videos

Foresight Unconference on nanotechnology, advanced software, future technologies

Registration is now open to new and renewing Senior Associate members; cost for Senior Associate members to attend the meeting is $65. Space is limited. Join us! —Christine 1st Foresight Unconference to Be Held November 3-4 in Silicon Valley Event will explore nanotechnology, advanced software, life extension, future technologies Palo Alto, CA — Foresight Nanotech… Continue reading Foresight Unconference on nanotechnology, advanced software, future technologies

David Brin on nanotechnology ethics

Over at the CRN website they have a guest post by author David Brin on nanotechnology ethics: What I find relentlessly tedious (and, alas, ubiquitous) is the tendency to assume that the objective is actually to see ahead. It is not. The objective is to do what Einstein called gedankenexperimentation: pondering the range of possibilities… Continue reading David Brin on nanotechnology ethics

Artist takes on nanotechnology and privacy

Like me, perhaps you normally prefer more traditional art: oil paintings, perhaps. But new art can have an important societal purpose beyond its aesthetic value, and artist Nina Waisman has taken on a key nanotech issue to raise in her work: the relation between nanotechnology, sensing, and privacy. From SignOnSanDiego: If airport security were run… Continue reading Artist takes on nanotechnology and privacy

The next national nanotechnology program

Alan Shalleck of NanoClarity writes over at Nanotechnology Now on how the U.S. should go about planning its future federal funding of nanotech. Excerpts: It is time to explore what the next three to five year national nanotechnology funding allocation will look like. We have already benefited from two multiple-year, multibillion-dollar Presidentially-endorsed Federal programs and… Continue reading The next national nanotechnology program

Nanotechnology: Enhancement goals for human body did a poll to find out what human body enhancements their readers would most like. The poll seems to be gone, but nanotechnology commentator Gregor Wolbring quotes it in his own column: Smarter brain (403 votes – 29 %) Wings (230 votes – 17 %) Breathe underwater (147 votes – 11 %) Stylish, furry… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Enhancement goals for human body

Test your nanotechnology IQ

Our friends over at Nanowerk have put together a light-hearted little nanotechnology IQ test which nanotech trackers might enjoy. Some questions are fun: Question 12: Which of these well-known phrases from Star Trek depends on the (fictional) use of nanotechnology? Some not so much: Question 19: A silver coin with a diameter of 4 cm… Continue reading Test your nanotechnology IQ

Nanotechnology & more at Foresight Vision Weekend, Nov. 3-4

We are very pleased to announce the dates and location of the 2007 Foresight Vision Weekend, to be held November 3-4 in at Yahoo! headquarters here in Silicon Valley. We’ve learned that you demand a highly interactive meeting, so this year we’ll be experimenting with a new format including big chunks of time for the… Continue reading Nanotechnology & more at Foresight Vision Weekend, Nov. 3-4

Nanotechnology and the wildcard of advanced software

Nanotech experiments using real molecules are expensive and slow. Progress in nanotechnology would be greatly increased by highly advanced software truly able to model how molecules interact to make materials, devices, and systems. What are the odds of highly advanced software — machine intelligence — being developed any time soon? Explore this question at the… Continue reading Nanotechnology and the wildcard of advanced software

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