Foresight Institute at Space Frontier Conference

How and how soon will nanotechnology play a role in space commercialization?

DNA tiles provide faster, less expensive way to fabricate complex DNA objects

A set of 310 short single-stranded DNA tiles, plus a few additional short sequences for the edges, has been used to form more than a hundred large, complex DNA objects.

Carbon nanotube graphene composite improves downhill bike rim

Zyvex Technologies and ENVE Composites have demonstrated the superiority of a proprietary nanostructured composite in downhill cycling.

New Darpa program may accelerate synthetic biology path to advanced nanotechnology

Darpa has launched a “Living Foundries” program to bring an engineering perspective to synthetic biology to greatly accelerate progress through standardization and modularization.

Foresight Presents: "GENOGEN: Regenerating Skin for Life", with Dr. Nancy Mize

Nancy K Mize, PhD, Scientist, Innovator, and CEO of GENOGEN Inc., will continue Foresight’s local Bay Area community events with a lecture “GENOGEN: Regenerating Skin for Life”. GENOGEN is developing products that activate resident skin stem cells to stimulate local areas of regeneration of skin naturally ā€“ the way children heal.

Novel silicon nanostructure extends battery life

Templates made from polymer nanofibers enable the formation of long-lived silicon nanostructures that store ten times as much charge as do graphite battery terminals.

Drug-resistant cancer cells cannot resist plasmonic nanobubbles

Nanoparticles targeted to cancer cells by antibodies cannot achieve enough specificity to kill drug-resistant cancer cells while sparing normal cells, but can achieve enough specificity to produce nanobubbles only in cancer cells, so the drug only enters cancer cells.

Foresight Institute on Singularity Hub (video)

Recent interview touches on new Foresight programs and issues in nanotechnology development

Nanosponges to recover spilled oil (includes video)

Doping carbon nanotubes with boron while they are being formed produces a novel molecular architecture formed by boron induced kinks and linkages. These nanosponges can be used repeatedly to absorb and retrieve or burn spilled oil.

Will piezoelectric graphene provide options for nanoscale manipulation?

Calculations using density functional theory have demonstrated that graphene can be made piezoelectric by adsorbing atoms or molecules on one surface, or by adsorbing different atoms or molecules on each surface.

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