Nanotechnology roadmap for atomically-precise manufacturing

An article in Small Times by Paul Burrows of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory covers the Technology Roadmap for Productive Nanosystems (TRPN) aimed at Atomically-Precise Manufacturing (APM), a joint project of Foresight Nanotech Institute and Battelle, funded by the Waitt Family Foundation and by Sun Microsystems. Some excerpts: The Foresight-Battelle roadmap aimed to address this “vision… Continue reading Nanotechnology roadmap for atomically-precise manufacturing

Nanotechnology art competition deadline Dec 31

Words can’t really get across the essence of the nanoscale and potential of nanotechnology, but images can do much better. That’s why Foresight encourages participation in the NanoArt competition: FREE Entries NanoArt 2007 INTERNATIONAL ONLINE COMPETITION Submission deadline December 31, 2007. Open to All Artists and Scientists – Three Electron Microscope Scans are provided as… Continue reading Nanotechnology art competition deadline Dec 31

$40K Nanotechnology Challenge Grant: Watch our progress

Foresight Nanotech Institute has received a large Challenge Grant, but to fulfill the challenge we need to raise $40K in matching gifts. You can watch our progress on the pie chart as we work toward our goal. Are you up for the nanotech challenge? Thanks to contributions like yours, we’ve been able to advance beneficial… Continue reading $40K Nanotechnology Challenge Grant: Watch our progress

And the winner for oddest nanotechnology ad goes to…

As we move into a long holiday weekend here in the U.S., it’s time to indulge in a lighter moment in nanotech. Being suspicious of a sponsored link by Target on a “nanotechnology” search results page, I clicked on it to find this page of four highlighted products: Benny the Bear Memory Foam Plush Bear… Continue reading And the winner for oddest nanotechnology ad goes to…

Second Life gets Nanotechnology Island

On October 8, some of us were in the air on our way to the Productive Nanosystems Conference (pdf). Others — specifically, — were blogging about the new Nanotechnology Island in Second Life: Dave Taylor, of the National Physical Laboratory (in the UK), explains that some of the key objectives are to: “provide resources… Continue reading Second Life gets Nanotechnology Island

Nanotechnology to reduce testing on animals?

Most of us avoid thinking much about the testing of human products on animals to check for safety. It’s distressing and we wish there were another, better way. Nanotech should eventually make such testing entirely obsolete, and the early stages of this process have begun. You can hear the latest in London this May at… Continue reading Nanotechnology to reduce testing on animals?

Nanotechnology in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

In their current issue, the folks who usually focus on nuclear war take a look ahead to nanotech war, via a book review by CRN’s Mike Treder of the book Military Nanotechnology: Potential Applications and Preventive Arms Control by Jürgen Altmann. Deeply researched and carefully worded, Military Nanotechnology is an overview of an emerging technology… Continue reading Nanotechnology in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Nanotechnology at Google tonight, thanks to MIT

As mentioned previously, tonight MIT alums geek out on nanotechnology in 15 cities around the US. I speculated that non-alums might be able to get in if they try, and sure enough, it seems that they can — at least in the Bay Area, where the event appears to have opened up to the entire… Continue reading Nanotechnology at Google tonight, thanks to MIT

Russian nanotechnology "weapons": defensive or offensive?

Although it is distressing to read the headline from ITAR-TASS “Russia to design nanotechnology weapons — commander“, when one reads the text, at first these “weapons” sound more like defensive protection than offensive weapons: Principally new weapons based on nanotechnology will be designed in Russia within 15 years for combating radiation, chemical and biological terrorism,… Continue reading Russian nanotechnology "weapons": defensive or offensive?

Nanotechnology: the new IT

For decades, information technology has been the biggest change agent in technology. Now we see a prediction on CNet that atoms will again step up to a significant role, compared to bits: Society-impacting technological change will increasingly come from physical sciences, such as chemistry, physics and mechanical engineering, rather than information technologies, said Matthew… Continue reading Nanotechnology: the new IT

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