Precise matching of STM images and theoretical calculations provides exact lattice locations of dopant atoms, advancing the prospects for silicon-based quantum computers.
Atomically precise location of dopants a step toward quantum computers

Precise matching of STM images and theoretical calculations provides exact lattice locations of dopant atoms, advancing the prospects for silicon-based quantum computers.
Atomic resolution measurement of quasi-particle tunneling maps of spin-resolved states reveals interference processes that allow simulation of processes important for developing quantum computers based on atomically precise doping of silicon.
Christine Peterson will speak on “High-Leverage Altruism” at the fourth annual conference of Effective Altruism, using reason and evidence to improve the world as much as possible, and on nanotechnology at the Singularity University Global Summit, the definitive gathering for those who understand the critical importance of exponential technologies.
Foresight President Julia Bossmann will speak on AI at the TEDxEchoPark “Paradigm Shift” event on Saturday May 14, 2016, in Los Angeles, California.
Foresight Institute, a leading think-tank for transformative future technologies, such as nanotechnology, synthetic biology, and artificial intelligence, announced that Julia Bossmann has joined the organization as president.
California Institute of Technology is holding a symposium to honor Paul Rothemund’s seminal contribution to the field of DNA nanotechnology: the research paths opened by the technology, and where they might lead.
New families of protein structures, barrel proteins for positioning small molecules, self-assembling protein arrays, and precision sculpting of protein architectures highlight de novo protein design advances.
Computational design of proteins satisfying predetermined geometric constraints produced stable proteins with the designed structure that are not found in nature.
A fully automated design protocol generates dozens of designs for proteins based on helix-loop-helix-loop repeat units that are very stable, have crystal structures that match the design, have very different overall shapes, and are unrelated to any natural protein.
We are greatly saddened to hear of the death of Marvin Minsky, age 88. A pioneer in artificial intelligence, Marvin served as an Advisor to Foresight Institute from its earliest days.