Rolling DNA-based motors increase nano-walker speeds 1000-fold

Coating micrometer-sized glass spheres with hundreds of DNA strands complementary to an RNA covering a glass slide enables the sphere to move, with the help of an enzyme that digests RNA bound to complementary DNA, a thousand times faster than conventional DNA-walkers.

Octopodal nanoparticles combine catalytic, plasmonic functions

Eight-armed nanoparticles of gold coated with a gold-palladium alloy proved to be both efficient plasmonic sensors and efficient catalysts, even though gold alone is not normally a good catalyst and palladium is a poor plasmonic material.

Generating hydrogen with single atom catalysts

Single cobalt atoms have been positioned in nitrogen-doped graphene to catalytically produce hydrogen from water almost as effectively as using vastly more expensive platinum catalysts.

Catalytic micromotors demonstrate carbon dioxide removal from water

A micromotor covered with the enzyme carbonic anhydrase zips through water rapidly converting dissolved carbon dioxide to the bicarbonate ion, which can then be precipitated as calcium carbonate.

Atomically precise boron doping of graphene nanoribbons

The ability to dope graphene nanoribbons with boron atoms to atomic precision opens a range of possible new applications, from chemical sensing to nanoelectronics to photocatalysis to battery electrodes.

Nanowires and bacteria harnessed for artificial photosynthesis

A prototype system to produce chemicals and fuels from sequestered carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight uses semiconductor nanowires to produce electron-hole pairs, which are then used by two types of bacteria to produce oxygen and a variety of useful chemical products.

US government report highlights flaws in US nanotechnology effort

The concern of the US GAO for a gap in nanomanufacturing is well-placed, but it is only half of the problem with the limited US vision of the impact of nanotechnology on the future world economy.

Studying environmental impacts of nanoparticles using mesocosms

The advent of new technologies is typically followed by new government regulation, and in the absence of data, fear-based reactionism can have far too much influence on policy. Quality research studies on real risks and impacts of nanoscale technologies can help lead to legitimate scientific consensus and appropriate regulation. Engineered nanoparticles draw particular attention, because… Continue reading Studying environmental impacts of nanoparticles using mesocosms

Christine Peterson on pushing the future in a positive direction

In a 47-minute interview Christine Peterson discusses the future that science and technology is bringing over the next few decades, and how to get involved to push the future in a positive direction.

Christine Peterson interviewed on nanotechnology

An interview with Foresight Co-Founder and Past President Christine Peterson covering both the current state and the future prospects of nanotechnology is available on Youtube.

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