Humanity+ @ Caltech is being streamed live

Humanity+ @ Caltech: Redefining Humanity in the Era of Radical Technological Change is being streamed live.

Humanity+ @ Caltech

Redefining Humanity in the Era of Radical Technological Change, December 4-5, 2010, Pasadena, CA

Life extension conference: $100 off discount code

Many of you have an interest in human longevity in general and in being healthier and living longer personally.  If we want to help develop and guide nanotech and other advanced technologies, we need to stay healthy. I am organizing a conference on this topic, October 9-10, here in the Bay Area: You will… Continue reading Life extension conference: $100 off discount code

Don't miss the Open Science Summit, July 29-31, in person or live webcast

The Open Science Summit on July 29-31 in Berkeley is looking better and better. Topics include OpenPCR, DIY biology, open source hardware, brain preservation, synthetic biology, gene patents, open data, open access journals, reputation engines, crowd-funding and microfinance for science, citizen science, biohacking, open source biodefense, cure entrepreneurs, open source drug discovery, patent pools, tech transfer, and… Continue reading Don't miss the Open Science Summit, July 29-31, in person or live webcast

Single-atom sheet of carbon clears arsenic from water

We can get a hint of the power coming from longer-term nanotech by seeing what is being discovered today on how to use some of the new materials becoming available.  Many of us have been intrigued with graphene, a one-atom-thick planar sheet of bonded carbon atoms.  It’s no surprise that exciting applications are being found… Continue reading Single-atom sheet of carbon clears arsenic from water

Today's nanotech lets $400 camera see cancer cells

Frequent Nanodot readers know that our main interest is longer-term nanotech, but sometimes what’s happening today gets pretty exciting as well.  A quick summary  of recent advances in nanotech used to fight cancer appears in a Computerworld piece by Sharon Gaudin; some excerpts: Rice University said yesterday that when the nanoparticles deliver dye to the cell,… Continue reading Today's nanotech lets $400 camera see cancer cells

Join us at Singularity Summit, Aug. 14-15 on intelligence augmentation

Many Foresight leaders and members will be gathering at this year’s Singularity Summit in San Francisco, expected to draw up to 1100 participants.  It’s a bit pricey, but it’s for a good cause and there are student and referral discounts plus discounts on the hotel rooms.  I can testify that this is a fun and… Continue reading Join us at Singularity Summit, Aug. 14-15 on intelligence augmentation

H+ Summit "Rise of the Citizen Scientist" at Harvard

If you can’t make it to Harvard this weekend, June 12-13, you’ll want to catch the live webcast of the H+ Summit: “Rise of the Citizen Scientist”.  No link yet, but presumably they’ll be putting it on the event homepage before it starts.  Also presumably they will post the videos somewhere for longer-term viewing. UPDATE:… Continue reading H+ Summit "Rise of the Citizen Scientist" at Harvard

Vote and comment on IMM/Foresight statement to President's Council

The U.S. President’s Council on Advisors on Science and Technology requested public input on a number of manufacturing topics including “molecular-level, atomically precise production.” Foresight joined with our sister organization IMM to produce a statement on Atomically Precise Manufacturing, now posted on the OpenPCAST site, with public voting and commenting still continuing, so join in the… Continue reading Vote and comment on IMM/Foresight statement to President's Council

Nanotechnology and life extension: challenge & response

The Mark, “Canada’s daily online forum for news, commentary, and debate,” has published a commentary that primarily takes a negative view of the use of nanotech (or any tech) for life extension: Extreme life extension raises other interesting, yet troubling questions. Significant life extension could have serious implications for individual identity; what if we change… Continue reading Nanotechnology and life extension: challenge & response

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