Singularity, part 2

This the second essay in a series exploring if, when, and how the Singularity will happen, why (or why not) we should care, and what, if anything, we should do about it. Part II: What is this thing called Singularity? Since I was trained, originally, as a mathemetician, I never really liked the term Singularity.… Continue reading Singularity, part 2

Singularity, part 1

This the first essay in a series exploring if, when, and how the Singularity will happen, why (or why not) we should care, and what, if anything, we should do about it. Part I: The Singularity and its Discontents The concept of the Technological Singularity is so clearly part of the zeitgeist that it surely… Continue reading Singularity, part 1

DARPA to fund development of 'brain-like' computers

A new multi-disciplinary collaboration will focus on developing computing technology that mimics the human brain in being able to solve a wide variety of problems.

Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Revolutions to be Explored at Convergence08 Unconference

The Convergence08 conference ( on Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) technologies and their interactions will be held November 15-16, 2008 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif. The event will use an innovative “unconference” format to enable participants to customize the event in a highly interactive way. Paul Saffo, a Silicon Valley forecaster with over two… Continue reading Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Revolutions to be Explored at Convergence08 Unconference

Singularity Summit 2008 to explore future of human technological progress

Foresight Nanotech Institute is partnering with the Singularity Institute and other organizations for The Singularity Summit 2008, to be held October 25, Montgomery Theater, San Jose, CA. The speakers include names that will be familiar to most Nanodot readers. A separate Emerging Tech Workshop may also interest many Nanodot readers. A few excerpts from The… Continue reading Singularity Summit 2008 to explore future of human technological progress

Meme that machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence gathers support

Kurzweil’s concept of an impending “singularity,” in which machine intelligence surpasses human intelligence, has garnered support from Intel’s Chief Technology Officer Justin Rattner.

Which way(s) to advanced nanotechnology?

Will nanotechnology culminate with diamondoid nanorobots produced in nanofactories by atomically precise mechanosynthesis, or with “soft” machines that mimic the way biological molecular machines work?

Amazing advance in robotics: see video

Normally this blog focuses on nanotechnology, but it’s also important to stay on top of major advances in related fields such as robotics; the fields will interact in interesting ways. This video of a DARPA-funded project from Boston Dynamics is a must-see: Watch the whole thing, and use the YouTube version; the one on… Continue reading Amazing advance in robotics: see video

Nanotechnology "Unconference" now open to general public

Registration for Foresight’s Nov. 3-4 Vision Weekend focused on nanotechnology and other advanced technologies ā€” traditionally restricted to Foresight Senior Associates ā€” is being opened to the general public this year as an experiment. Space is limited and participants are advised to register very soon. To warm up for our Sat/Sun afternoon unconference, in the… Continue reading Nanotechnology "Unconference" now open to general public

Vision Weekend Unconference now open to Nanodot readers

This year as an experiment we are opening up a subset of seats at the Nov. 3-4 Foresight Vision Weekend to members of special groups such as Nanodot readers. The event is usually open only to Foresight Senior Associate members: I encourage you to check out this event. Since it is an Unconference, you… Continue reading Vision Weekend Unconference now open to Nanodot readers

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