Using DNA nanotechnology to build three-dimensional crystals

In a major nanotech advance in constructing designer materials, DNA has been used to assemble gold nanoparticles into three-dimensional crystals.

A new base pair for DNA nanotechnology

A new DNA base pair that works with at least one enzyme that replicates DNA opens up new possibilities for nanotech.

Nanotechnology: Early work on nanomotors

The Royal Society of Chemistry brings news of early work leading toward designed engines for nanomachines: Dutch scientists have made nanotubes move using enzyme-powered motors. Ben Feringa and co-workers from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, have designed engines for nanomachines that could potentially be used in the body. Hydrogen peroxide has proven useful as… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Early work on nanomotors

Human enhancement with or without nanotechnology

The first issue of the journal Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology (free reg req’d) is devoted to the topic of Human Enhancement and includes essays by familiar names (de Grey, Freitas, Wolbring, Cameron) and a number of newer ones. In “Medical Nanorobotics: Breaking the Trance of Futility in Life Extension Research (A Reply to… Continue reading Human enhancement with or without nanotechnology

Kinder, gentler molecular machine for nanotechnology

From, a description of some theoretical nanotechnology work that could lead to more efficient molecular machines: …R. Dean Astumian, a Physics Professor at the University of Maine, has recently proposed a concept in which molecular machines can operate arbitrarily close to chemical equilibrium at every instant of the cycle, and still perform work at… Continue reading Kinder, gentler molecular machine for nanotechnology

Molecular nanosystems: Where nanotechnology wants to go

Enough with the nanoparticles already ā€” we want molecular nanosystems. Los Angeles will be the place to be this January when two powerhouse academic institutions come together to push forward toward this goal. Here’s the scoop, in full, as received by email: California NanoSystems Institute and Kyushu University Global COE Present Joint Symposium on Molecular… Continue reading Molecular nanosystems: Where nanotechnology wants to go

Nanotechnology in China: Functional supramolecular systems

Various kinds of nanotechnology are being worked on in China, but one of the most important on the pathway to a general ability to build with atomic precision is what is called functional supramolecular systems. We at Foresight wish we could all have been in Beijing on Oct. 21-24 for the Xiangshan Science Conference on… Continue reading Nanotechnology in China: Functional supramolecular systems

UK takes lead in the nanotechnology that matters

Perhaps our headline is a bit overstated…or perhaps not. Jim Lewis brings to our attention an article in Chemistry World on the Royal Society of Chemistry website announcing that, as anticipated, the UK has officially funded a set of projects aimed at developing a nanofactory able to build with atomic precision: UK scientists have been… Continue reading UK takes lead in the nanotechnology that matters

Nanotechnology "Unconference" now open to general public

Registration for Foresight’s Nov. 3-4 Vision Weekend focused on nanotechnology and other advanced technologies ā€” traditionally restricted to Foresight Senior Associates ā€” is being opened to the general public this year as an experiment. Space is limited and participants are advised to register very soon. To warm up for our Sat/Sun afternoon unconference, in the… Continue reading Nanotechnology "Unconference" now open to general public

Vision Weekend Unconference now open to Nanodot readers

This year as an experiment we are opening up a subset of seats at the Nov. 3-4 Foresight Vision Weekend to members of special groups such as Nanodot readers. The event is usually open only to Foresight Senior Associate members: I encourage you to check out this event. Since it is an Unconference, you… Continue reading Vision Weekend Unconference now open to Nanodot readers

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