Free webinar on "Today's Pioneering Nanotechnology Companies"

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers is offering a free webinar on “Today’s Pioneering Nanotechnology Companies: The Race for a Trillion Dollar Market“, presented by Foresight Senior Associate Tihamer “Tee” Toth-Fejel. Today’s Pioneering Nanotechnology Companies: The Race for a Trillion Dollar Market A popular feature of SME’s annual NanoManufacturing Conference, now brought to you as a… Continue reading Free webinar on "Today's Pioneering Nanotechnology Companies"

Korea sets ambitious nanotechnology goals for 2020 informs us of challenging nanotechnology goals for that country: An ambitious government plan seeks to make Korea one of the top three countries for nanotechnology by 2020… “By securing more than 50 of the finest international nanotechnologies by 2020, Korea will create a new industry to emerge as a top three nanotechnology power and… Continue reading Korea sets ambitious nanotechnology goals for 2020

Nanotechnology to help with hay fever

Here at Nanodot and Foresight we tend to focus on more advanced nanotechnology such as devices and systems, but living in the pollen-filled San Francisco Bay Area — where a high percentage of residents have trouble with allergies — we would also appreciate some near-term help with that problem. From Nanowerk on an advance in… Continue reading Nanotechnology to help with hay fever

Jurvetson on nanotechnology startup ecosystem

Our favorite nanotechnology VC is Steve Jurvetson, who is interviewed over at from India, which is affiliated with The Wall Street Journal. An excerpt: How are the elements of the nanotech start-up ecosystem different from other sectors? First, it is hard to find human talent because a lot of the really interesting breakthroughs happen… Continue reading Jurvetson on nanotechnology startup ecosystem

Wall Street considers nanotechnology: audio available

A recent article in the Small Business (sic) section of The New York Times reports that nanomaterials-based firms are starting to head toward public offerings: Nanotechnology companies, nurtured on billions of dollars in government grants and venture investments through most of this decade, are getting ready to go public…At the beginning of this decade, nanotechnology… Continue reading Wall Street considers nanotechnology: audio available

Mapping Israeli nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is booming in Israel, as we learn from Azonano: Israeli Nanotechnology developed greatly since 2005. In addition to receiving an immense sum of funding (the donation matching model has effectively raised $230 million), and being the number one leader of innovations, Israel was recognized by ISI (the Institute for Science Information) as one of… Continue reading Mapping Israeli nanotechnology

BlogTalkRadio: Pearl Chin on nanotechnology

Foresight president Dr. Pearl Chin was interviewed on nanotechnology by Stephen Gordon and PJ Manney on Dec. 16, and the show can now be downloaded for your listening edification. A brief summary appears on Phil Bowermaster’s blog The Speculist: Dr. Chin is excited about [the] medical advance that nanoparticles are making possible – particularly with… Continue reading BlogTalkRadio: Pearl Chin on nanotechnology

Lloyds of London takes on nanotechnology

The reinsurance firm Swiss Re is rather farther along on nanotechnology, but Lloyd’s of London is starting to step up to the question of how to insure nanotech. They had a recent conference to launch their new report Nanotechnology: Recent Developments, Risks and Opportunities (PDF). As one would expect, it mainly focuses on nanoparticles, but… Continue reading Lloyds of London takes on nanotechnology

Make money publishing your nanotechnology research

Here’s a different model of research publishing: nanotechnology researchers can now publish their nanotech work and get paid via journal-related advertising and sponsorship, over at AZojono, the “online journal of nanotechnology”: • Authors receive a revenue share of 50% of the related revenue their contributions attract. • Peer reviewers receive a revenue share of 20%.… Continue reading Make money publishing your nanotechnology research

Get your nanotechnology radio fix

For those of us who can’t get enough nanotechnology info, now there’s a one-hour radio show/podcast every week to download and enjoy while you drive or work out, hosted by industry analyst Marlene Bourne: “Next-generation science and technology, and the cool products that are being developed as a result, are captivating subjects,” said Ms. Bourne.… Continue reading Get your nanotechnology radio fix

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