New book addresses nanotechnology education and workforce training

A book on nanotechnology education and workforce training written by Judith Light Feather and Miguel Aznar

Protein nanostructures stiffer than Kevlar

Self assembly of aromatic dipeptide into nanospheres stiffer than Kevlar may make possible printing stronger, lighter body armor.

Optimizing DNA strand lengths for assisted self-assembly

Molecular dynamics calculations define optimum strand lengths for the assembly of DNA films as greater than 10 and less than 30 nucleotides.

Manufacturing with every (silicon) atom in its proper place

Zyvex Labs researchers demonstrate atomically precise removal of 50 hydrogen atoms per second from a silicon surface.

Open Science Summit videos available

Video footage of conference focused on “Updating the social contract for Science”

New X-ray laser for basic research in nanotechnology

New X-ray laser to make stop-motion movies of atomic processes

Forced Artificial Scarcity: the economy of the future

This humorous essay at by David Wong has a lot of truth in it about the change we are now seeing in how the economy functions, as so many goods and services are produced using automation: And if someday we do perfect cold-fusion reactors or nanotech manufacturing and everyone has 100 GB/second Wi-Fi connections downloading… Continue reading Forced Artificial Scarcity: the economy of the future

Humanity+ @ Caltech

Redefining Humanity in the Era of Radical Technological Change, December 4-5, 2010, Pasadena, CA

Nanotechnology device harvests wasted energy

An energy cell containing a lead zirconate titanate cantilever coated with a carbon nanotube film uses nanotechnology to produce electricity from scavenged light and thermal energy.

Making and opening a Mobius strip with DNA Kirigami

Reconfiguring the topology of DNA nanostructures offers novel architectures for nanodevices.

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