Foresight nanotechnology theme goes to law school

After 20 years of delivering Foresight’s message, we see it popping up everywhere, most recently in law school: For the first time in history, we know something is coming that carries great potential and possible grave danger. The technology will revolutionize much of how we live in the world. The question becomes, how, as a… Continue reading Foresight nanotechnology theme goes to law school

Nanotechnology medicine: will it be affordable?

Those of you who subscribe to Foresight’s free Weekly News Digest (sign up using the Join Email List box at upper right of our home page) have seen that practically every week there’s new positive results to report on nanotechnology for drug delivery, especially for cancer. A summary of where to read about these advances… Continue reading Nanotechnology medicine: will it be affordable?

Nanotechnology for surveillance vs. privacy

Nanowerk brings our attention to a story at looking at anticipated developments in sensing and monitoring: At their annual meeting this fall in Montreal, there was little of the traditional talk among the international privacy people about the nuts and bolts of data protection. Instead, there were urgent and distressed discussions about “uberveillance,” “ambient… Continue reading Nanotechnology for surveillance vs. privacy

Lloyds of London takes on nanotechnology

The reinsurance firm Swiss Re is rather farther along on nanotechnology, but Lloyd’s of London is starting to step up to the question of how to insure nanotech. They had a recent conference to launch their new report Nanotechnology: Recent Developments, Risks and Opportunities (PDF). As one would expect, it mainly focuses on nanoparticles, but… Continue reading Lloyds of London takes on nanotechnology

Nanotechnology: Is decentralized control feasible?

Jamais Cascio offers four nanotechnology policy scenarios over at CRN, looking at options resulting from two axes: centralized vs. decentralized, and precautionary vs. proactionary. His two decentralized scenarios describe some territory similar to that which Foresight is investigating as part of our Decentralized Physical Security project: The third scenario, combining Distributed rule-making and Proactionary technology… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Is decentralized control feasible?

Israel competes for nanotechnology philanthropy

Everyone is pursuing private donors for their nanotechnology research, and Israel is very serious about it, matching private nanotech fund donations made from outside the country, as reported in EE Times: The country’s nanotechnology program, called the Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative (INNI) provides 3-to-1 matching funds for all private donations to nanotech centers, effectively producing… Continue reading Israel competes for nanotechnology philanthropy

Nanotechnology in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

In their current issue, the folks who usually focus on nuclear war take a look ahead to nanotech war, via a book review by CRN’s Mike Treder of the book Military Nanotechnology: Potential Applications and Preventive Arms Control by Jürgen Altmann. Deeply researched and carefully worded, Military Nanotechnology is an overview of an emerging technology… Continue reading Nanotechnology in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Russian nanotechnology "weapons": defensive or offensive?

Although it is distressing to read the headline from ITAR-TASS “Russia to design nanotechnology weapons — commander“, when one reads the text, at first these “weapons” sound more like defensive protection than offensive weapons: Principally new weapons based on nanotechnology will be designed in Russia within 15 years for combating radiation, chemical and biological terrorism,… Continue reading Russian nanotechnology "weapons": defensive or offensive?

Russia: Turning oil into nanotechnology

Alexander Zaitchik writes at a piece titled Russia Pours Billions in Oil Profits Into Nanotech Race. I’m quoted: “There’s a lot of technical talent in Russia, but not all of the funds allocated to nanotech will be deployed effectively,” said Christine Peterson, a vice president at the Foresight Nanotech Institute, in an e-mail interview.… Continue reading Russia: Turning oil into nanotechnology

Nanotechnology "Unconference" now open to general public

Registration for Foresight’s Nov. 3-4 Vision Weekend focused on nanotechnology and other advanced technologies — traditionally restricted to Foresight Senior Associates — is being opened to the general public this year as an experiment. Space is limited and participants are advised to register very soon. To warm up for our Sat/Sun afternoon unconference, in the… Continue reading Nanotechnology "Unconference" now open to general public

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