We found 121 results for your search.

From de novo protein design to molecular machine systems

A review from the group leading recent rapid progress in de novo protein design describes the successes, identifies the remaining challenges, and heralds the advance “from the Stone Age to the Iron Age” in protein design.

Adding modular hydrogen-bond networks to protein design

Computer designed networks of hydrogen bonds allow programming specific interactions of protein interfaces, facilitating programming molecular recognition.

Engineered protein assembles molecules into atomically precise lattice

An engineered protein controls the assembly of C60 fullerene molecules into an atomically precise lattice that conducts electricity while neither component alone would.

Macroscopic DNA crystals from molecular tensegrity triangles

Structural DNA nanotechnology: progress toward a precise self-assembling three dimensional scaffold by building macroscopic crystals from nanoscale structures.

Caltech celebrates ten years of Scaffolded DNA Origami

California Institute of Technology is holding a symposium to honor Paul Rothemund’s seminal contribution to the field of DNA nanotechnology: the research paths opened by the technology, and where they might lead.

Tightly-fitted DNA parts form dynamic nanomachine

A rotor with DNA origami parts held together by an engineered tight fit instead of by covalent bonds can revolve freely, driven by Brownian motion and dwelling at engineered docking sites.

Improving crystallographic resolution through using less perfect crystals

A paradigm shift in analyzing diffraction from smaller, less perfect crystals yields improved resolution and enables directly determining the phase of the diffraction pattern.

Roles of materials research and polymer chemistry in developing nanotechnology

Polymer chemistry and materials research provide opportunities to explore structures that harmonize phenomena unique to nanoscale technology, the role of mechanical forces generated at interfaces, and the responses of biological systems to mechanical stresses.

Molecular arm grabs, transports, releases molecular cargo

A molecular robotic arm synthesized from small synthetic organic molecules uses cyclic changes in pH and other reaction conditions to grab and release a cargo molecule, and swing the cargo back and forth between the two ends of the molecular platform.

Nanoparticles ameliorate MS in mice by inducing immune tolerance of myelin

In the first mouse model of the progressive form of multiple sclerosis, nanoparticles that created immune tolerance to myelin prevented the development of progressive MS.

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