Lloyds of London takes on nanotechnology

The reinsurance firm Swiss Re is rather farther along on nanotechnology, but Lloyd’s of London is starting to step up to the question of how to insure nanotech. They had a recent conference to launch their new report Nanotechnology: Recent Developments, Risks and Opportunities (PDF). As one would expect, it mainly focuses on nanoparticles, but… Continue reading Lloyds of London takes on nanotechnology

Eight nanotechnology scenarios sketch possibilities

CRN has been working on eight scenarios for advanced nanotechtechnology, and they are now available. You can get a quick feel for them by their titles: Scenario 1: Secret Military Development Scenario 2: Positive Expectations Scenario 3: Negative Drivers Scenario 4: Presidential Commission Scenario 5: … And Not a Drop to Drink Scenario 6: A… Continue reading Eight nanotechnology scenarios sketch possibilities

More on nanotechnology for medicine using nanorobots

A post by Roland Piquepaille on ZDnet further exploring a topic recently covered here: nanoscale robotic devices for medical applications. The site allows you to indicate whether you want this subject covered in the future or not. Excerpt: The idea of using nanorobots to deliver drugs and fight diseases such as cancers is not new…But… Continue reading More on nanotechnology for medicine using nanorobots

Make money publishing your nanotechnology research

Here’s a different model of research publishing: nanotechnology researchers can now publish their nanotech work and get paid via journal-related advertising and sponsorship, over at AZojono, the “online journal of nanotechnology”: • Authors receive a revenue share of 50% of the related revenue their contributions attract. • Peer reviewers receive a revenue share of 20%.… Continue reading Make money publishing your nanotechnology research

Nanotechnology modeling for medical nanorobots

Foresight members will recognize the names of researchers Robert Freitas and Tad Hogg. These two in the U.S. have now teamed with others from Australia to model nanotechnology robotics for medical applications, as described at PhysOrg.com. Excerpts: Virtual 3D nanorobots could lead to real cancer-fighting technology From eliminating the side effects of chemotherapy to treating… Continue reading Nanotechnology modeling for medical nanorobots

Get your nanotechnology radio fix

For those of us who can’t get enough nanotechnology info, now there’s a one-hour radio show/podcast every week to download and enjoy while you drive or work out, hosted by industry analyst Marlene Bourne: “Next-generation science and technology, and the cool products that are being developed as a result, are captivating subjects,” said Ms. Bourne.… Continue reading Get your nanotechnology radio fix

Nanotechnology: Is decentralized control feasible?

Jamais Cascio offers four nanotechnology policy scenarios over at CRN, looking at options resulting from two axes: centralized vs. decentralized, and precautionary vs. proactionary. His two decentralized scenarios describe some territory similar to that which Foresight is investigating as part of our Decentralized Physical Security project: The third scenario, combining Distributed rule-making and Proactionary technology… Continue reading Nanotechnology: Is decentralized control feasible?

Israel competes for nanotechnology philanthropy

Everyone is pursuing private donors for their nanotechnology research, and Israel is very serious about it, matching private nanotech fund donations made from outside the country, as reported in EE Times: The country’s nanotechnology program, called the Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative (INNI) provides 3-to-1 matching funds for all private donations to nanotech centers, effectively producing… Continue reading Israel competes for nanotechnology philanthropy

Nanotechnology education online: more free resources

Yesterday we highlighted MIT’s work in getting their course materials online. But many other schools with courses relevant to nanotech have been working on similar goals, especially UC Berkleley. For a useful overview of what’s out there, see Jimmy Ruska’s page on Free Education (it covers all fields, not just nanotechnology). An excerpt: Ranked as… Continue reading Nanotechnology education online: more free resources

Get a free nanotechnology education via MIT

Like many MIT alumni, I have decidedly mixed feelings about the school, but one program to be entirely pleased with is OCW: OpenCourseWare, the free online provision of MIT course materials. They just reached a major milestone: Join us as we celebrate the publication of virtually the entire MIT curriculum — 1800 courses — on… Continue reading Get a free nanotechnology education via MIT

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