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We’re thrilled to open up applications for the 2018 Foresight Fellowship, Spring workshop, and Prizes starting now!

We’re thrilled to open up applications for the 2018 Foresight Fellowship, Spring workshop, and Prizes starting now! The 2018 Foresight Fellowship After the excellent strides by our inaugural class of 2017 Foresight Fellows, we are glad to continue the Foresight Fellowship in 2018 to help committed change-makers create the future humanity needs. Specific benefits to Fellows… Continue reading We’re thrilled to open up applications for the 2018 Foresight Fellowship, Spring workshop, and Prizes starting now!

Building atom-by-atom on insulator at room temperature

If the above picture reminds you of something like it some 27 years ago when physicists announced a nanostructure built atom-by-atom, then it is important to recognize there are multiple crucial differences between the above 2014 image of a Swiss cross formed from 20 precisely placed bromine atoms and the 1990 image of the IBM… Continue reading Building atom-by-atom on insulator at room temperature

From de novo protein design to molecular machine systems

A review from the group leading recent rapid progress in de novo protein design describes the successes, identifies the remaining challenges, and heralds the advance “from the Stone Age to the Iron Age” in protein design.

Two-component, 120-subunit icosahedral cage extends protein nanotechnology

Ten designs spanning three types of icosahedral architectures produce atomically precise multi-megadalton protein cages to deliver biological cargo or serve as scaffolds for organizing various molecular functions.

DOE office focusing on atomically precise manufacturing

Longtime Foresight member Dave Forrest is leading DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office in advocating atomically precise manufacturing to transform the U.S. manufacturing base.

October 13 Update

UPDATE 2.0 Dear friends of Foresight, Historically our Update has mainly featured Nanotech News. Now that so many events and announcements are coming thick and fast, we feel like it’s time to update the update — this issue will focus on new events to bring our readers up-to-date, but the next update will probably look… Continue reading October 13 Update

Watching individual chemical bonds during a reaction

Combining computational nanotechnology with a noncontact-atomic force microscope probe tipped by a single CO molecule allowed researchers to visualize the dance of individual chemical bonds during a complex organic reaction on a silver surface.

Protein design provides a novel metabolic path for carbon fixation

Computational design of an enzyme that carboligates three one-carbon molecules to form one three-carbon molecule, an activity that does not exist in nature, provides proof-of-principle for a novel metabolic pathway for carbon fixation.

Triple helices stabilize macroscopic crystals for DNA nanotechnology

A DNA strand capable of forming a triple helix with a portion of the DNA double helices in a macroscopic DNA crystal enhances the weak interactions holding the crystal together so that the crystal remains stable in the absence of a high ionic strength environment.

Tightly-fitted DNA parts form dynamic nanomachine

A rotor with DNA origami parts held together by an engineered tight fit instead of by covalent bonds can revolve freely, driven by Brownian motion and dwelling at engineered docking sites.

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