DNA nanotechnology and the atoms to micrometer nanofabrication gap

A new DARPA program seeks to bridge the gap from atoms to macroscale product manufacture in two steps, the first of which is from atoms to micrometer-scale feedstocks. DNA origami may be part of the solution.

TED talk: A 30-Year History of the Future

Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the MIT media lab and the One Laptop Per Child program, gave a TED talk in March 2014 titled A 30-Year History of the Future. Click to access the talk or the TEDBlog article discussing the talk. Negroponte highlights some cutting-edge technological developments of the past that had been openly scorned… Continue reading TED talk: A 30-Year History of the Future

New Report: Nano-solutions for the 21st century

A recently released technology report titled Nano-solutions for the 21st century outlines nanotech-based solutions to global challenges. Several years in the making, the report was co-authored by Dennis Pamlin, Research Fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Research Center for Sustainable Development (RCSD web site currently in Chinese only), and Eric Drexler, Academic Visitor… Continue reading New Report: Nano-solutions for the 21st century

TEDx talk: &#34Transforming the Material Basis of Civilization&#34

Eric Drexler’s TEDx talk entitled “A Future of Radical Abundance: Transforming the Material Basis of Civilization” is available for viewing on Youtube as well as on Drexler’s blog site. As described by the Oxford Martin School, where Drexler is a scholar with the Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology: Dr. Eric Drexler’s talk from… Continue reading TEDx talk: &#34Transforming the Material Basis of Civilization&#34

Next Foresight Conference on Nanotechnology in February 2014

The Conference to be held February 7-9, 2014 in Palo Alto, California will emphasize the integration of nano-engineered devices and materials into larger, more complex systems.

Drexler&#39s book tour extends to U.S. May6-9

Recently we pointed at a Forbe’s interview with Eric Drexler, in anticipation of his pending new book Radical Abundance. The bookĀ  has shipped, and Drexler’s tour schedule now includes a few stops on the coasts of the U.S: New York: May 6th Los Angeles: May 8th & 9th Seattle: May 9th Find exact times and… Continue reading Drexler&#39s book tour extends to U.S. May6-9

Nanotechnology revolution: An interview with Eric Drexler

In anticipation of Eric Drexlerā€™s new book, Forbes contributor Bruce Dorminey interviews him about the meaning of nanotechnology and its revolutionary prospects. Selected excerpt: ā€¦ In what fields would APM cause the most pronounced economic disruption and the collapse of global supply chains to more local chains? The digital revolution had far-reaching effects on information… Continue reading Nanotechnology revolution: An interview with Eric Drexler

Christine Peterson on pushing the future in a positive direction

In a 47-minute interview Christine Peterson discusses the future that science and technology is bringing over the next few decades, and how to get involved to push the future in a positive direction.

Christine Peterson interviewed on nanotechnology

An interview with Foresight Co-Founder and Past President Christine Peterson covering both the current state and the future prospects of nanotechnology is available on Youtube.

Lecture by Eric Drexler at Oxford on physical law and the future of nanotechnology (video)

In a lecture at Oxford Eric Drexler argued that atomically precise manufacturing will be the next great revolution in the material basis of civilization, and discussed how we can establish reliable knowledge about key aspects of such technologies.

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