Foresight nanotechnology theme goes to law school

After 20 years of delivering Foresight’s message, we see it popping up everywhere, most recently in law school: For the first time in history, we know something is coming that carries great potential and possible grave danger. The technology will revolutionize much of how we live in the world. The question becomes, how, as a… Continue reading Foresight nanotechnology theme goes to law school

Keep Nanodot going for 2008: Help with Challenge Grant by Dec. 31

We hope you find Nanodot useful all year long. Now we need some assistance from our loyal readers: we have a Challenge Grant going, with every dollar you donate being matched one-for-one up to US$40K. But as of today we’re only about a quarter of the way to our goal. You can track our progress… Continue reading Keep Nanodot going for 2008: Help with Challenge Grant by Dec. 31

Mapping Israeli nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is booming in Israel, as we learn from Azonano: Israeli Nanotechnology developed greatly since 2005. In addition to receiving an immense sum of funding (the donation matching model has effectively raised $230 million), and being the number one leader of innovations, Israel was recognized by ISI (the Institute for Science Information) as one of… Continue reading Mapping Israeli nanotechnology

BlogTalkRadio: Pearl Chin on nanotechnology

Foresight president Dr. Pearl Chin was interviewed on nanotechnology by Stephen Gordon and PJ Manney on Dec. 16, and the show can now be downloaded for your listening edification. A brief summary appears on Phil Bowermaster’s blog The Speculist: Dr. Chin is excited about [the] medical advance that nanoparticles are making possible – particularly with… Continue reading BlogTalkRadio: Pearl Chin on nanotechnology

Nanotechnology medicine: will it be affordable?

Those of you who subscribe to Foresight’s free Weekly News Digest (sign up using the Join Email List box at upper right of our home page) have seen that practically every week there’s new positive results to report on nanotechnology for drug delivery, especially for cancer. A summary of where to read about these advances… Continue reading Nanotechnology medicine: will it be affordable?

European futurists speculate on nanotechnology

As we head into the weekend, a lighter note: Did you miss the 4th European Futurists Conference in Lucerne in October? So did I. But now we can spend the holidays enjoying Quicktime videos and hear some forecasts that may surprise those who think Europeans are less future-oriented than those in Asia and the U.S.… Continue reading European futurists speculate on nanotechnology

Nanotechnology for surveillance vs. privacy

Nanowerk brings our attention to a story at looking at anticipated developments in sensing and monitoring: At their annual meeting this fall in Montreal, there was little of the traditional talk among the international privacy people about the nuts and bolts of data protection. Instead, there were urgent and distressed discussions about “uberveillance,” “ambient… Continue reading Nanotechnology for surveillance vs. privacy

Lloyds of London takes on nanotechnology

The reinsurance firm Swiss Re is rather farther along on nanotechnology, but Lloyd’s of London is starting to step up to the question of how to insure nanotech. They had a recent conference to launch their new report Nanotechnology: Recent Developments, Risks and Opportunities (PDF). As one would expect, it mainly focuses on nanoparticles, but… Continue reading Lloyds of London takes on nanotechnology

Eight nanotechnology scenarios sketch possibilities

CRN has been working on eight scenarios for advanced nanotechtechnology, and they are now available. You can get a quick feel for them by their titles: Scenario 1: Secret Military Development Scenario 2: Positive Expectations Scenario 3: Negative Drivers Scenario 4: Presidential Commission Scenario 5: … And Not a Drop to Drink Scenario 6: A… Continue reading Eight nanotechnology scenarios sketch possibilities

More on nanotechnology for medicine using nanorobots

A post by Roland Piquepaille on ZDnet further exploring a topic recently covered here: nanoscale robotic devices for medical applications. The site allows you to indicate whether you want this subject covered in the future or not. Excerpt: The idea of using nanorobots to deliver drugs and fight diseases such as cancers is not new…But… Continue reading More on nanotechnology for medicine using nanorobots

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