2015 Feynman Prize winner named 2018 Australian of the Year

It is always a pleasure when those whose work toward Feynmanā€™s goal for nanotechnology—molecular manufacturing, defined as the construction of atomically-precise products through the use of molecular machine systems—whom we have recognized with a Foresight Institute Feynman Prize are subsequently also recognized by the wider community for the importance of their contributions. For example, Sir… Continue reading 2015 Feynman Prize winner named 2018 Australian of the Year

Powerful nanoengine built from coated nanoparticles

A nanoengine 100 times more powerful than known nanomotors and muscles was demonstrated using the aggregation and dispersal of gold nanoparticles coated with a polymer that undergoes a rapid transition from hydrophobic to hydrophilic.

Inexpensive transparent conductors from correlated metal nanostructures

Highly correlated electron motions resembling electron liquids rather than electron gases, and found in some transition metal oxides, may enable inexpensive substitution for expensive displays.

Foresight co-sponsors Berkeley Bench to Market event

To educate potential entrepreneurs on strategies for moving discoveries from the benchtop to successful commercialization, Foresight co-sponsored an event in the “Ph.D. to Startup” Workshop Series of the Berkeley Postdoc Entrepreneur Program.

Conference video: Regenesis: Bionano

At the 2013 Conference George Church presented an overview of his work in developing applications of atomically precise nanotechnology intended for commercialization, from data storage to medical nanorobots to genomic sequencing to genomic engineering to mapping individual neuronal functioning in whole brains.

Science and technology roadmaps for nanotechnology

A European Science and Technology Roadmap for Graphene, Related Two-Dimensional Crystals, and Hybrid Systems hints at the opportunities to be harvested from, and the need for, the development of atomically precise manufacturing (APM).

What sort of abundance will nanotechnology bring?

One example is presented of how well the meme is spreading that nanotechnology will evolve toward atomically precise manufacturing that will in turn bring forth a world of abundance.

Surprisingly real value from virtual reality

Speaking of big computation, cyberspace isnā€™t yet as potent as Neal Stephenson portrayed in Snow Crash and subsequent books, but itā€™s getting there. A new article in the Wall Street Journal online titled Can World of Warcraft Game Skills Help Land a Job? states that some job seekers are adding gaming skills to their resumes… Continue reading Surprisingly real value from virtual reality

Emergence of nanobiotechnology points to importance of deep collaboration

Study shows more than 500 firms involved in nanobiotechnology, which is expected to soon triple in size. Research points to the importance of broad networks and deep collaborations.

Biotech lab in the cloud lowers entry barrier to nanotech research

With biotech fundamental to several paths to advanced nanotechnology, a way to do biotech experiments in the cloud offers small groups the chance to quickly test their ideas.

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