MIT alums to geek out on nanotechnology in 15 cities

Most nanotechnology emails I receive are because the sender knows I have some connection to the field professionally. This one came due only to my being an MIT alum. The nanotech event described is only for such alumni, but I bet it’s possible to get in some other way if you try hard enough: “It’s… Continue reading MIT alums to geek out on nanotechnology in 15 cities

Nanotechnology to enable video of entire human life

Today’s nanotechnology is just the beginning of what will be possible from atomically-precise devices and systems, but already we’re seeing some impressive claims for early nanotech: Researchers have developed a low-cost, low-power computer memory that could put terabyte-sized thumb drives in consumers’ pockets within a few years. Thanks to a new technique for manipulating charged… Continue reading Nanotechnology to enable video of entire human life

Nanotechnology in China: Functional supramolecular systems

Various kinds of nanotechnology are being worked on in China, but one of the most important on the pathway to a general ability to build with atomic precision is what is called functional supramolecular systems. We at Foresight wish we could all have been in Beijing on Oct. 21-24 for the Xiangshan Science Conference on… Continue reading Nanotechnology in China: Functional supramolecular systems

Inspirational nanotechnology images on new site

Getting experimental results in nanotechnology can be a long, hard slog — those doing this work need and deserve inspiration. Beautiful nanoscale images — both of current results and future designs — can help. Damian Allis shows us some of his own images in his post about a new nanoscale art/gallery site called Nanohedron. From… Continue reading Inspirational nanotechnology images on new site

Nanotechnology Roadmap to be critiqued, expanded — Deadline Oct. 31

A draft version of the Productive Nanosystems Roadmap was distributed to attendees at the similarly-named conference (PDF) in DC on Oct. 9-10. Now participants at the Foresight Vision Weekend will be critiquing and planning expansions of this first roadmap for atomically-precise manufacturing. IMPORTANT: REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS 4 PM, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. In addition to the… Continue reading Nanotechnology Roadmap to be critiqued, expanded — Deadline Oct. 31

UK takes lead in the nanotechnology that matters

Perhaps our headline is a bit overstated…or perhaps not. Jim Lewis brings to our attention an article in Chemistry World on the Royal Society of Chemistry website announcing that, as anticipated, the UK has officially funded a set of projects aimed at developing a nanofactory able to build with atomic precision: UK scientists have been… Continue reading UK takes lead in the nanotechnology that matters

Nanotechnology "Unconference" now open to general public

Registration for Foresight’s Nov. 3-4 Vision Weekend focused on nanotechnology and other advanced technologies — traditionally restricted to Foresight Senior Associates — is being opened to the general public this year as an experiment. Space is limited and participants are advised to register very soon. To warm up for our Sat/Sun afternoon unconference, in the… Continue reading Nanotechnology "Unconference" now open to general public

Patent office arms race will hurt nanotechnology

There’s an arms race between government patent offices and patent filers assisted by private law firms. The folks who work for the former get paid a lot less than the those who work for the latter. This leads to a continual drain away from government review of patent applications toward private generation of patent applications.… Continue reading Patent office arms race will hurt nanotechnology

Nanotechnology plastic as strong as steel

MSNBC brings news of a new nanotechnology achievement at University of Michigan: Nanotech produces plastic as strong as steel Researchers mimic structures found in seashells, using clay and glue By mimicking structures found in seashells, scientists have created a transparent plastic that is as strong as steel… Kotov and his colleagues have devised a process… Continue reading Nanotechnology plastic as strong as steel

Vision Weekend Unconference now open to Nanodot readers

This year as an experiment we are opening up a subset of seats at the Nov. 3-4 Foresight Vision Weekend to members of special groups such as Nanodot readers. The event is usually open only to Foresight Senior Associate members: I encourage you to check out this event. Since it is an Unconference, you… Continue reading Vision Weekend Unconference now open to Nanodot readers

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